A must have App for Medical Students

If there was one Android/iOS app that I would recommend every doctor in Pakistan should have in their phones, what would that be?

Okay, now there are many smartphone applications that we use on daily basis. Some apps like Evernote and Any.do will make your life easier but I'm talking about an application that is specifically for our profession. Medical profession. I'm talking about Pharmdex.

Imagine this... a typical desi medical student... he starts his journey to become a doctor. He starts wearing his white overall to all the malls and restaurants. The white overall for him is worth more than Gucci, Versace, or Louis Vuitton. And he is so very proud of it no matter how dirty it gets. 

Then comes the two magical words that are music to his freshman ears, "Doctor saab". His family members, close relatives, neighbours and acquaintances start addressing him with the prefix "Doctor saab." And he never gets used to hearing it. If there's a cough, sneeze or even minor breeze, "Doctor saab" is always contacted for advice. And "Doctor saab" never disappoints. Or at least tries not to. As with great power comes great responsibility.  He has to live up to the "Doctor saab" tag. That is where Pharmdex comes in the equation.

Many a times, you are asked about a medicine that someone is taking, and since it's not possible to remember every possible brand name, specially if you are a student or a fresh graduate; you often feel embarrassed and try to avoid the conversation or maybe try googling. Pharmdex solves that problem for most of you.

You can search a drug by either Brand name, i.e. Flagyl (for metronidazole) or by generic name, i.e. Metronidazole. 

search either by brand name or generic name

You will get different formulations, company name, price etc

for generic name you will get all the brands available in Pakistan in all formulations

It works offline, and it works in 2 taps of your phone from your smart phone home screen. In my opinion this is the one app that every medical and dental student in Pakistan must have installed in his or her phone. 

The link to Android App is: 

The link to Apple App Store is: 


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